It is a short and medium-distance service within and between the main towns and places of the Costa Blanca …
Taxi-Vtc Benidorm
To begin with, ordering a taxi is very simple. Simply by calling (+34) 676 649 490 we will be able to talk to the taxi station which will send us to the nearest and most available taxi.
With our new service, you will be able to enjoy your holidays and leisure moments without extra costs with fixed, personal rates appropriate to the journey in question.
For this, we have 4-seater, 6-seater vehicles and 7 to 14-seater minibuses.
Urban taxi service in Jávea ( Fixed Price )
Within the locality are also offered services that will take us to where we need quickly. Anywhere in Jávea.
Transfers in the province and Spain ( Fixed Price )
We can also use the taxi from Jávea if we are going to make a provincial or interprovincial trip.
Long Journeys ( Fixed Price )
They are usually prepared in advance and booked in advance if we are going to make a long trip, either nationally or to leave the country. With reliable and safe vehicles.
Benidorm : Fixed Price 1-4 Passengers:
Other Services
– Pick up at any local location in Calpe
– Courier service to deliver parcels.
– Special services for events
– Transfers to hospitals
– Pre-scheduled trips
– Tourist trips to know places of interest
Email address: – info@alicantetaxitransfers.com